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(';') FriendshiP c",)

--;<@ LovE @>;--

  •  "FRIENDSHIP" is a wonderful gift that no one can buy.
    It is made up of 'love' that roots in our 'hearts'
    to make fruits of memory not just for a while...
    but for a "lifetime"...
  • "FRIENDSHIP" is a special kind of 'love'...
    more than endless...
    more than true...
    No matter how far the distance...
    expect your friend to keep in touch with you...

('_') Touching ('_')

  •  In life, we seldom find a true person and if
    you ever find one, hold on and never let go...
    Value that person coz it's LIFE's gift worth
    keeping and holdin' on...

  • Value the people who have touched your life
    because you will never know just when they
    will walk out of your "LIFE" and never come
    back again...

  • Every teardrop is precious
    Better make sure that if ever you drop some
    It's worth crying for coz you can never
    pick them up and put them back to your eyes...LOVE WISELY

  • It's not the presence of someone that brings meaning
    to life, but it's the way that someone touches
    your heart that gives life a 'beautiful' meaning...

  • What makes people special is the way
    each one remembers the other when they are apart
    They miss the talks, the laughs and the times
    they were together...
    LIFE changes; MEMORIES don't...

  • Never waste an opportunity to say "I LOVE YOU" to someone
    you really LOVE coz it's not everyday that you will meet
    the person who has the magic to let you fall in LOVE...                 
  • When you're "in love", never put yourself on a situation
    where you're not sure where you stand in a PERSON'S LIFE Never assume, never expect so that if they choose to
    drop, you have enough strength to move on...

==> GoD <==

  • GOD is always near to hear our worries.
    Whatever our cross, whatever our pain...
    GOD always sends 'RAINBOW' after the 'RAIN'...

  • "TRIALS" don't come to make us 'fall'
    but for us to look for GOD and call...
    "TRIALS" don't serve as 'key' to 'hate'
    but rathe doors to greater "FAITH".

--;<@ GurZ @>;--